Thank You! PCL Renwal

Thank you for submitting your application. A copy of this form has been sent to your email for confirmation. We have received your submission and will begin processing it soon. Our guidance/advice is predicated only upon the information as submitted. If that information proves imprecise, incorrect, or changes materially, our guidance/advice may change.If you have any questions please contact us at +1 (800) 419-9569 or send us an email. You may obtain a Transport Canada compliant placard through our preferred vendor:
Please be advised, in order to process your vessels documentation we will require the following:

A photocopy of a valid piece of government issued identification for EACH new owner(s)

A current photo of the full side view of the vessel in colour (The minimum print resolution for the photograph is 300 dpi (dots per inch). The file must be no larger than 5 mb and only in one of the following acceptable formats: PDF, JPG, TIFF OR PNG.) Please note that stock photographs of a pleasure craft will not be accepted.

Authorization Form This will be emailed to you, so in the event there are errors we may correct the deficiencies on your behalf.


If you wish to upload or fax your documents, please visit our Secure Uploads Page, or email them to Please be advised upon receipt of this information, additional information may be required.